Brighters Blog

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Ok, changes to the Sports Network Golf Editor Challenge. We realized that the chances of picking a winner in this thing were about as likely as Currie getting a date, so we implemented a new point system.

You still only pick a guy once, but now you get 10 points for a victory, five for a runner-up and one point for a top-five finish. There also might be another change, but the people aren't ready for that, so it will wait.

Previous selections
Gerard Gallagher - Adam Scott, Vijay Singh, George McNeill and Robert Allenby
Kevin Currie - David Toms, Davis Love III, Ryan Moore and David Duval
Greatness - Stuart Appleby, Rory Sabbatini, Scott Verplank and Robert Allenby

FBR Open
GG - Troy Matteson - "If he seemed at all interested in playing, Phil Mickelson would make a nice pick here."
KC - Jeff Quinney
JB - Justin Rose - "I love his game so far this year. Toyed with DiMarco, but he just got back this week from the Middle East."

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

First things first, the Hall of Fame ballots are out and I am a stickler for this, so be prepared for a few names on mine. I would vote for Curtis Strange and Colin Montgomerie. Just on the outside, Hubert Green, Davis Love III, Sandy Lyle and Jose Maria Olazabal.

On to this week's picks as I was feeling strong with Scott Verplank last week until he hit the hopper on the weekend. The theme for Tiger Woods' debut is that the trio is saving him for later.

Gerard Gallagher (Scott, Singh, McNeill) - Robert Allenby "I'd get my first win this week if I didn't foolishly want to save you-know-who for a major."
Kevin Currie (Toms, Love, Moore) - David Duval "Can you tell I'm saving guys?"
Jim Brighters (Appleby, Sabbatini, Verplank) - Robert Allenby "Playing well so far, and like my fellow colleagues, saving Tiger and Phil."

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Another week and once again, no winners in The Sports Network Golf Editor Challenge. I know that the Bob Hope teed off on Wednesday, but I can assure you there was no cheating as all picks were in prior to tee off, although a 45-minute frost delay helped. This was all my fault for taking too long getting it up on the blog.

Anyway, this seems to be a throw-away week for some as evidenced by the selections.

Gerard Gallagher (A. Scott, V. Singh) - George McNeill "He's from the J.B. Holmes school of Q School champs winning early in the season and the Paul Goydos school of "who?"
Kevin Currie (D. Toms, D. Love III) - Ryan Moore
Jim Brighters (S. Appleby, R. Sabbatini) - Scott Verplank "He's got a strong Bob Hope record and I wanted to save Mickelson for later in the year."

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Let us first get to the fact that Michelle Wie is playing the Sony Open in Hawaii this week. I don't care. I was her biggest backer for a long time, but she is not improving so it's time to bag the men's golf experiment.

With a lingering wrist injury, I'm thinking Wie doesn't make it through the entire two rounds. When the excuses (I believe she's really hurt) start coming early in the week, something is off. If Wie makes it through both rounds, she will be in last place.
Non-golf related thought - I would have voted for Mark McGwire for the Hall of Fame.

a.) It has never been proven he took steroids. I am not an idiot, he looks like there was two of him compared to his rookie year and pleading the fifth in front of Congress was bad. Not as bad as perjuring himself like Palmeiro did (why doesn't that get talked about more?), but it was bad. But, isn't it possible for guys whose heads aren't bigger than Christmas turkeys to have taken steroids? What about pitchers? I think looking at a guy and judging that he took them, without concrete proof, is dangerous.

b.) No matter what anyone says, steroids weren't illegal at the time he might have done them. Why punish players because baseball people were too stupid to live and didn't draft policy to stop steroid use? If you say it's illegal in the United States, then no one arrested for DUI or spousal abuse should go to the Hall either. If you counter by saying DUI doesn't help you on the field, then don't bring up the point that it's illegal in this country. Your argument is that it's performance-enhancing. Don't talk about American law.

That's all. By the way, if you don't vote for McGwire because of the steroid thing, don't vote for Barry Bonds either. Let's see you worm your way out of that.

On to the more important things, The Sports Network Golf Editor Challenge enters its second week and no one sniffed victory at the Mercedes-Benz Championship. This week is the Sony Open in Hawaii and here we go with the editor and his picks to date:

Gerard Gallagher (Scott) - Vijay Singh - "He won last week in Hawaii, so why not this week, especially now that he’s learned to putt?"

Kevin Currie (Toms) - Davis Love III - "Has only played it four times, but finished top 10 three times.”

Jim Brighters (Appleby) – Rory Sabbatini – “Strong finish last year, plus it’s the second week and I don’t want to use anyone really good yet.”

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Here is the first of the Sports Network Golf Editor Challenge. We don't really have a prize although I'm thinking a case of beer from each loser. Here's what the three of us are going to do - pick a different winner each week and you can't use the same guy twice all year.

Mercedes-Benz Championship

Jim Brighters - Stuart Appleby - three in a row is enough to convince me.
Gerard Gallagher - Adam Scott - if Appleby does it again, those of us who didn't pick him should have our heads examined.
Kevin Currie - David Toms (he actualluy flipped a coin. JB saw it.)