Saturday, March 08, 2008

My quick take on the Tripp Isenhour situation.

I don't know much in this world, but I know I don't like you too much if your solution to quieting a loud bird is to fire golf balls at it with the intent to kill.

He's 39 years old. This is not some dumb kid, although my faith in humanity exists enough to say that people of all ages should know better than to become executioner to an annoying animal.

Before you pooh pooh this as nature lovers acting goofy, what's the next move for Isenhour when an animal annoys him? He's already showed he can kill once, what would stop him from going after a barking dog or an abrasive horse?

This is not something that should be taken lightly. The hubris it takes for a grown man to kill a hawk because it got loud is appalling. Isenhour should be cited and should pay a stiff penalty. I don't know if I can incarcerate a man for this, but it would hit his wallet hard.

And if he gives any lip, I say we fire golf balls at him.


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