Friday, August 18, 2006

Friday afternoon and a chaotic one at that as I have been imbibing Diet Pepsi like I was preparing for a standardized drug test because I got very little sleep. Thanks to my friend Chris Clayton for calling me at 3:40 a.m.

The leader in the clubhouse after round two will be...Luke Donald.

This guy is so much better than he gets credit for. I can't believe Sergio Garcia and David Howell are both ranked higher than him. Donald is one behind at the moment and I expect him to fly by Stenson and get to about minus-10.

Europeans in Ryder Cup contention in the top-15 at the moment - Stenson, Donald, Garcia, Ian Poulter and Jose Maria Olazabal. Americans in Ryder Cup contention in the top-15 at the moment - Davis Love III, Tiger and David Toms.

Speaking of the Ryder Cup, wave bye-bye to it Misters Couples, Rollins and as a player, Lehman. Missing the cut at the PGA means you will be watching from home. Not you Lehman, you have to go.

Another player that I would be petrified of if I were on that leaderboard is David Toms. If he's healthy, he leads that next tier of strong players below the Big Five or Six or however many there are.

And how about Geoff Ogilvy? He is thoroughly destroying Woods and Mickelson, who both couldn't find the fairway at this point with a compass and Boy Scout troop.

Tiger Woods' shirt on Friday is hideous.

Phil Mickelson just tried to nearly hit a pitch through a tree like he was superhero with wood-splitting as his magical talent. Of course he acted like he had a functioning brain, pitched 40 feet long then made the par putt. Freak.

I don't think this round is going to be finished on Friday. The weather is looking ominous.


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