Saturday, September 23, 2006

Have to comment about the live Ryder Cup radio going on right now. I have no idea of the broadcasters names, except American John Maginnes, but these guys are having a ball.
They keep have people e-mailing them in saying they are on the space station right now. One guy is named Elmo and another scientist e-mailed in saying Elmo wasn't on the space station because he was.
According to the NASA website, which they've had to reference because they are completely consumed by this, the internet is available in space and there is no Elmo. The other scientist is supposedly an astronaut and they just received a picture of the shuttle's cabin. There might actually be a guy from space who is interested in the Ryder Cup right now. This is blowing my mind, but it could be sleep deprivation.
Some clown e-mailed in and said Elmo was on board and that someone was tickling him now.
At this point, I think I've forgotten about the fact that the U.S. is down in three matches. Another e-mailer wrote in and told them to stop talking about Tiger Woods because "he was a robot created by the U.S. army of which his father was a member."
This is wild.


Anonymous Telkom University said...

How do you rate the creative and hilarious comments made by the Ryder Cup live radio broadcast announcers? To what extent might this impact the listening experience for listeners, especially in the context of a serious sporting event such as the Ryder Cup?
Telkom University

2:48 AM  

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