Thursday, November 02, 2006

Slow time of the year, so I'll tackle two big issues if you want to call them that.

Tiger and Phil skip the Tour Championship and there's nothing the PGA Tour can do about it. They've made millions and millions of dollars and there's nothing the tour can do to get them there. Both are entitled to skip it if they want, they're the two biggest stars in golf. It's disappointing, but life can kick you in the backside sometimes. My biggest concern comes next year when the FedEx Cup debuts, will they be there? I believe both will participate at least in 2007, but I doubt Mickelson will after that unless he's guaranteed to win the $10 million.

Paul Azinger will be named the United States Ryder Cup captain. Not exactly the biggest surprise in the history of civilization since he took his name out of consideration last time to get this gig. I'd still go with Freddie Couples since the least amount of pressure on the team as possible is best and Couples is low-key. The bottom line is that it could be Azinger, Couples, Pres. Bush, Bugs Bunny or Patton, if the team plays badly again and the Europeans play great, it's over by Saturday afternoon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is a disgrace that Tiger and Phil skips the TOC, especially Tiger. He says he needs more time to relax from the rigors of the Ryder Cup etc. I would think that a month would be long enough but I guess the 'silly season' is more important. Although it is different circumstances but can you imagine what would happen if in other pro sports that the winners decided to skip the --world series--nba championship--super bowl--etc etc. Tiger is becoming/or is another sports prima dona/diva.

9:52 AM  

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